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My team RCB bcoz all my fav playrs r in rcb.. MI 34/0 4 ovr Levi 21 in 16 L.A :) me gusta e nuevo social media :D lembrando q esse domingo rola showzão pela na nossa casa Santos =D só $8 galera apresentação do novo batera! Congrats to my brother and the boys from on winning their blimp! Well deserved for sure! The belief that one's own view of reality is the only reality is the most dangerous of all delusions. e o fim do mundo ta com dor de cabeça num mó calorão desse aff Me parece muy mal que las chicas no usen escote para jugar al billar Check out my interview RT! Nos seguimos? Take a photo of you and your rig somewhere unique and you could win an HT-Stage 100 full stack! Go here: followed , folow back ? Background Tho >>>>>> Colé vei! kkk Y sí, obviamente le pelean. Lo reducimos a la dupla atacante y listo? Slash: o meio digital tirou a magia de ouvir a música slash gunsnroses Lol. The awkward moment when you are looking on the Chim page on Facebook and realise your Mum is a member. ijustdied

Esta foi a apuração do Reino Celestial =D Dear MLK, Thank you for everything you have done. Your powerful message & your spirtual words changed the world. HappyMLKDay RT for DANI FAV for SELENA : morava sim, e amo São Paulo, nunca sairá do meu coração Blog Atualizado - Recomendação de Flickr: Nika Fadul - social media won't let me te amo amo ocêis, seus psicos I bang some pots and pans myself. But it's mostly for the sing-a-longs I have with the cats. "what did one volcano say the the other?" "I Lava You" I've been trying for ages to get you to notice me, follow me? I love you. <33 Boyfriend is perfection. fat burner August Ab challenge.. I'm only at 50,000 so far. Not sleeping until I do 50k thatlongnight Claro, te espero. OFFLINE Yikes. Are you in the US? Give us a call at 800-379-6453 so we can sort it out! One direction están por alla, haceles una entrevista, porfaaaassss. lol im jp It's Hashtags time! He used to take his pants off when it got too hot in the office. mycoworkeriscrazy

On n'est pas couché du 31 mars avec pour son livre "les joyeux guérissent toujours" , Anaïs et ONPC France2 Thanking the lord for another day... May this day be blessed and productive.. thankful ¿Sabes cuando más me gustas? ¿Cuándo? Cuando estás en mi cama, y encima mía. Es decir nunca JAJAJAJAJAJAJA. Os opostos se atraem? Scientists report Triceratops fossil as evidence of latest known surviving dino from about 65 million years ago Missouri Basketball Preview and Projections for 2011 : / . . . woo hoo 3rd now Detenido en París el joven que agredió brutalmente a una menor que conocío en internet y a su abuela en Utrera try now 10- NÃO VÁ COM BATOM VERMELHO, LUAN NAO GOSTA MUITO PORQUE DEIXA MARCA . (Ele nem é bobo né UHAUAHUAHAUHAUH ) I dont understand alot of things. Maybe it should be that way. beli crocsnya dong di , dijamin original loh & follow juga ada kuis dapetin crocs gratisnya :D

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