Bom estou tentando mas meu hotmail está travando 50

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Hotmail is any free email assistance provider operated by Microsoft. Although Hotmail has existed considering the early 199 websites, transforms made to the support may be preventing Hotmail from loading correctly on your PC.

Difficulty: Easy


1 Clear your Web browser's cookies and then restart your browser. Enter your Web browser's "Options" use also delete all cookies, then restart your browser, after that try to load Hotmail once again. Cookies are files that store information on your computer. Your Web browser constantly refers to the information as it loads websites. If one error has been saved in a cookie, it is feasible that this could avert you from as capable to log to Hotmail.

2 Go directly to the Windows Live internet site. Though Hotmail addresses and the service itself all the same exists, Hotmail has existed under the "Windows Live" banner of products after 2 website website7 in the release of Windows Vista. If you're attempting to load Hotmail via, your browser may be having a hard time redirecting you to the new site. Go to the Windows Live internet site (see References) directly and try to log on there.

4 Type your key correctly. Hotmail accounts passwords are circumstance sensitive, which means that funds letters are considered different from lowercase letters. Make sure all letters that ought to be capitalized inside your password are (plus those that shouldn't be capitalized aren't), also then click "Sign Inside" to try to access your Hotmail accounts again.


Microsoft: Windows Reside

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