From GunGame5 Documentation

Revision as of 01:10, 4 April 2010 by Warren (Talk | contribs)
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Requirements and Installation

What are the requirements for running GunGame5.1?

How do I install GunGame5.1?

We have a list of installation instructions on our Installation page.

How do I install EventScripts?

EventScripts is a source server plugin that allows scripters to write modifications for the Source Engine (which is exactly what GunGame5 is) in a script, created by Mattie.

You can get the latest version HERE. As of the time of this writing, the latest version is EventScripts You can also watch a video tutorial on how to install EventScripts created by Mattie himself HERE.

How do I install Source Python Extensions?

Does GunGame5.1 support any game other than Counter Strike: Source?

At the current moment, no.

Installation Troubleshooting

I am receiving the message: "Can't load addon (gungame/included_addons/[addon name]) No module named included_addons.[addon name].[addon name]" for all included addons, but the files are there.

Setting Up Your GunGame Server

How can I convert the winners databases and spawnpoint files I used previously?

Bug Reports

I found a bug or issue with GunGame5. Where do I report it?

As all development of GunGame5 is handled on GoogleCode, we are having all issues reported there as well. You can report the issue(s) HERE.

The GoogleCode issue reporter is asking for an error log?


In GunGame5, we have added the ability to create an error log any time an error occurs. This error log will only contain GunGame5 related errors. To retrieve your error log open your ../cfg/gungame51/logs/ directory and you should see a file named GunGame5_#_###_Log.txt (which contains the version number of GunGame5 you are running).

Attach this file to your error/issue/bug report to help us to find the bug.

There is no error log in the "../cfg/gungame51/logs" directory!

This means that the option gg_error_logging is set to 0 in the ../cstrike/cfg/gungame/gg_en_config.cfg. Set the gg_error_logging option/value to 1.

How do I know when my error has been accepted?

When you see the error that you reported in the list HERE, you will also see a "Status" column. Once your bug has been verified, its status will be set to "Accepted".

There are multiple "Open" status codes:

  • New (just reported, and in process of being reviewed)
  • Accepted (developers have verified as a bug)
  • Started (developers have started coding a fix to the issue)

I reported a bug, but it has not been accepted or fixed!

I reported a bug, and it has disappeared, but was not fixed!

How do you see "Closed Issues" for GunGame5 on GoogleCode?

How do I know when the issue I reported was fixed?