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Author: Hinne Hettema
Publisher: "WS"
Released: 2000
ISBN10: 981022771X
ISBN13: 9789810227715
Type: djvu
Page count: 513
Rating: 5/10


QUANTUM CHEMISTRY - World Scientific

Classic Scientific Papersperspective, the use of explicitly correlated functions in quantum chemistry. Wolfgang Pauli 1925 paper on the fourth quantum number.See HTML excerpts at this site Classic Chemistry andWhile not a formal scientific paper, this letter at at CNRS French national center for scientificWolfgang Pauli 1925 paper on the fourth quantum number at theBack to the top of the Classic Chemistry site

Quantum chemistry: Classic scientific papers

The quantum numbers n, l and m are integers and can have the following values See for a group theoretical interpretation of these quantum numbers this article.

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