The art of tantric massage

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Tantric massage traditions were founded over 5000 years ago in ancient India. The Tantra, or Tantrism's holy books, contained a lot of the concepts and principles on which Tantric massages are based. Tantra doctrine teaches that all humans have, hidden deep inside them, a potent energy form that has powerful healing properties. To release the power of that hidden energy, one can turn to a Tantric massage. The Tantric massage, in line with Tantra teachings, has been performed for centuries as a form of full mind and body cleansing. In its unadulterated form, a Tantric massage is about building inner peace and a spiritual rebirth. Tantra doctrine holds that this leads to a condition of being reborn or reawakened. According to the Tantra text, a Tantric massage is a tool to un-tap the hidden healing powers within all of us. In Tantra doctrine, the base of our spine is a store house of all of this dormant energy, and a well administered Tantric massage can unleash that power to heal our bodies, and cleanse our spirits and souls.

As a true therapeutic treatment, a Tantric massage deserves to be treated and practiced just like all the other respected therapies in the world today. Like the misuse of prescription drugs, a Tantric massage can also be abused if not performed according to Tantra-prescribed rituals. It is only fair for anyone planning to have a Tantric massage to be knowledgeable of some of the potential pitfalls. First and foremost, not everyone that maintains to be a Tantric masseuse may be qualified in this art. And one of the reasons for this is that Tantra prescriptions have not been translated into modern day Tantric massage standards. Prospective clients are therefore hard pressed to know what to expect, in terms of a real Tantric massage.

A true Tantric massage can therefore be defined as anything that your masseuse performs on you. Secondly, and more importantly, is the spirit with which a Tantric massage should be performed. In Tantra doctrine, Tantric massages are a three dimensional experience - of physical, emotional and spiritual healing. Our bodies, minds and souls are intended to be cleansed by a Tantric massage. The sad thing is that,many western Tantric massage experts are unaware of this tri-dimensional healing aspect of the massage. The Tantra gospel touches upon sensuality as being just one aspect of a Tantric massage, but not the only aspect. There are more exquisit ways of getting a great massage, all you have to do is let go of your inhibiotions and enjoy the sensations a great source can be found here Unfortunately, the sexual aspect of the Tantric massage traditions is all that many practitioners are aware of. As such, Tantric massages have now been commercialized and are offered primarily as exotic sex therapies. This gap between the intent of a Tantra governed Tantric massage, and ones that are being commercially administered in many parlours today, does not deliver to patrons the true benefit of a real Tantric massage. So, buyer beware!