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Strategies to Bring More Repeat Visitors to Your Site

If you are a webmaster or an Internet marketer, you're obviously looking for ways to make your website stand out of the competition and attract targeted traffic. Besides getting new visitors to your site, what's more important is to have your existing visitors keep coming back to your website. If you want your visitors to bookmark your site and make it one of their regular online stops, you have to design it carefully and have some great content to keep them coming back. Getting more repeat visitors isn't hard if you know how to make your site more interesting and stickier, so let's explore a few techniques that enable you to do this.

1) One issue that can get in the way of repeat visitors is if your site isn't compatible with all browsers. There are several popular browsers people use today, such as Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer and Apple Safari, and you want your website to be compatible with all of these. You should test your site on all these top browsers to make sure there are no issues, or you may be excluding some of your visitors. If people can't see or navigate your site, they're not likely to stay long or return, so you don't want to overlook this. If you haven't tested your site in this way, you should do so as soon as possible, though the best time is in the pre-launch stage.

2) Minimize the use of graphics on your site. Graphics heavy sites were once in fashion, but that's no longer the case. Nowadays the more simple your website's design is, the more effective it is in making your visitors come back. If you really do want to use graphics and there's no other option, then keep them to the minimum. Remember that people are going to visit your website again and again not because of the lovely graphics, but because of the quality of your content.

In moderation, images can be good for grabbing people's attention, but too many of them are confusing and make it hard to navigate your site -and can slow it down as well.

3) If you don't have experience designing websites, your best approach may be to hire someone to create an entire site for you. These days, hiring a quality designer can be very affordable. If you want your site to be sticky, it has to make a good impression on visitors, so its quality and appearance is of the utmost importance. Professionally designed templates are another option for creating a great looking site, if you don't want to hire someone to do it. Many companies sell these templates online, so you just have to find one that appeals to you. From this information it's easy to see the importance of getting repeat visitors to your site even though it may take some effort. If you can get visitors to return back to your site, it just goes on to show that you're providing real value, or else that wouldn't happen.

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