Fibromyalgia Symptoms, What is a Dysregulation Syndrome

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Do you've chronic fatigue syndrome? If you suffer with fibromyalgia symptoms, then the answer to that question is probably "Yes". CFS or "chronic fatigue syndrome" goes hand-in-hand with fibromyalgia. There are definitely a number of different issues that usually accompany fibromyalgia symptoms... and lots of in the scientific and medical communities believe that fibromyalgia symptoms and chronic fatigue syndrome are just different manifestations of very much the same disease or style of syndrome.

You see, fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS), chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), multiple chemical sensitivity syndrome (MCS), myofascial pain syndrome (MPS), and lots of other conditions form a family of overlapping syndromes. On account of the scientific studies done by Nobel Peace Reward winner Muhammad Yunus, M.D. of the University of Illinois - College of Medicine, these syndromes have been given a name.

Dr Yunus views fibromyalgia symptoms and chronic fatigue syndrome as being part of a larger spectrum of situations, which he calls "Dysregulation Spectrum Syndrome", or DSS. He claims that nearly all patients have more than one of all of these syndromes. Dr. Yunus employs the phrase dysregulation to mean bio-physiological abnormalities, possibly in the body's neurological, hormonal and chemical techniques... which cause negative immune (or autoimmune) system responses.

A partial list of the Dysregulation Syndromes that Dr. Yunus internet sites , are:

Fibromyalgia Syndrome - FMS Chronic Fatigue Syndrome - CFS Multiple Chemical Sensitivity Syndrome - MCS Myofascial Pain Syndrome - MPS Temporomandibular Joint disorder - TMJD Tension Head aches Periodic Limb Movements of Sleep - PLMS Migraines Restless Leg Syndrome - RLS Irritable Bowel Syndrome - IBS Irritable Bladder Syndrome Primary Dysmenahorrea This list could go on for very some time. Dysregulation syndromes like fibromyalgia symptoms, look to "run in packs", and for those that suffer from them, life is more than simply "impaired". Life could be downright unpleasant.

Yet it does not need to be. Do you suffer with a dysregulation syndrome like fibromyalgia symptoms? Would you like to know how to rid yourself of this variety of debilitating pain and misery permanently? Aside from the medications that are at present in utilize for treatment of all of these numerous situations (with their a lot of side-effects), there's a natural way to treat such sicknesses. As a fibromyalgia survivor, I discovered this fact and have been symptom-and medication-free since I initiated the natural treatment. The answer is simple. It is improved overall health via cellular nutrition.

Medical sources including the American Medical Association, agree. By enhancing our health, by feeding our bodies at the cellular level... our bodies become able to replace destroyed tissues with healthful ones. This rebuilding process takes area mostly as we're asleep, and can significantly lessen or even remove and symptoms of virtually any dysregulation syndrome (like what is fibromyalgia), or another autoimmune disease.

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