Quando o cd promocional de agosto 79

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You may create a copy about a DVD on your Mac. The following steps are penned for users about a MacBook, yet the steps are identical with identical Mac PCs. Before burning a DVD, familiarize yourself with the laws of DVD duplication inside your state. For example, in the United States, the Digital Millennium Copyright Work (DMCA) has very stern restrictions on the use about DVD duplication software.

Difficulty: Moderately Easy


1 Keep from mind that is these steps are intended with personal use and need to not violate DVD copyright laws. Note that DVD-copying software, to personal use or not, has been announced illegal. You can however safely burn a personal DVD using these steps on your Mac. An example regarding a personal DVD remains a home film.

2 Insert the DVD in the proper drive, plus then select the DVD from the list located in Disk Use. Disk Utility remains located in the Macintosh HD. Double-click on Applications and then the Utilities folder. On the folder, double-click on the Disk Utility icon. Find Disk Utility's list about disks and volumes plus select the DVD. Click on the DVD file plus next "New." Select "Disk Image from [identify of disc]." You will be prompted to type a name for the disk image. Give it the same name as the DVD. The Image Format pop-up menu will be displayed.

3 Click on either "condensed" or "read-only." Choose "compressed" if you desire your disk size being small as possible. Choosing "read-only" will create any disc that yous completely ready, with no maintain to unzip a compressed folder. To create the duplication process, double-click the Save choice. Disk Use should maintain today copied the DVD.

4 Remove the DVD by pressing the eject button on your keyboard. Returning to the list of options inside Disk Utility, pick the DVD image and double-click the Burn option. Some Burn Disc pop-upward must right away appear. Insert a bare DVD (DVD-R) and double-click the Burn option. The DVD will now burn to the empty disc, making a duplicate. Once the process is completed, a pop-up will inform you that the duplication process was successful.

Tips & Warnings

Please review the Digital Millennium Copyright Work (DMCA). A link to the copyright play remains located in Assets.


Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) Judge: DVD-copying software is illegal

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