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Planning a Home Gym * Review Your Actual Requires

If you've decided to take the plunge and set up your home gym, before you actually purchase any equipment you must carefully consider what kind of gear you really need. That may audio obvious, but consider the following:

Cardio home gym

Whilst one element seen in nearly all gyms would be the rows and lines of cardio equipment, normally machines for biking, running and rowing, ask yourself if it is something you actually need in your home gym.

While your answer may be "yes", in case you lack space or even money then why don't you instead invest in a rugged pair of running shoes as an alternative and hit the roadways? Or, if you detest running, you can get a cycle and do some true cycling instead of with all the machine. And if you're simply getting started then taking a walk will start you off on your journey to excellent fitness.


It is usually important to stretch ahead of lifting weights to prevent muscle mass damage. The equipment necessary is quite minimal, typically a rubber flooring mat and a reliable wall, although you may additionally benefit from wall bars and I like to ensure correct posture and alignment of myself when stretching therefore like a full length reflect too.

Weights home gym

While many gyms provide exercise machines and free weights, the particular machines are expensive, occupy quite a bit of space and will be only used for a handful of different exercises at the maximum. Why not dump the machines and employ free weights instead? If you decide on a set of adjustable dumbbells and also barbells, an exercise bench and weight stands you'll be much more flexible as to what you can do. There is a drawback though - several exercises may require someone to "spot" you when using dumbells.

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