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Once You Grow Older It's Difficult To Remain In Shape

There a lot of individuals out there who see a more mature person, and also see that this person is in better shape than you are, although they may be 20 years older. The difference between those men and women and you is that most likely they're exercising on a regular basis. Getting and staying fit and healthy really has nothing to do with your age, in fact providing you exercise daily you can be in great shape. For people that are interested in getting or staying in shape regardless of what age you are, we will be speaking about a number of the exercise routines you need to be doing in this post.

An effective exercise program would be one that includes both aerobic as well as resistance exercise along with a little stretching added also. There are plenty of people that alternate days doing aerobics, resistance training and stretching, nevertheless a good circuit training regimen will give you better results.

Contrary to everyday opinion aerobic exercise is really not the best technique to lose extra weight, this is because most of your weight loss will be done when your body's at rest. In fact within 2 hours after doing aerobic exercise your body stops burning up calories. The best method to lose weight is by using resistance training or lifting weights as this builds muscle and you'll actually wind up burning off more calories for a lot of more hours. A single pound of fat uses up around 4 calories per day while one pound of muscle burns around 50 calories each day. After 30 years of age, an exercise-free man or woman will drop about 1 pound of muscle each year. Over time this will actually cause you to gain weight simply because in a matter of 10 years you're no longer burning 450 calories a day, simply because you lost 10 pounds of muscle.

As you get older, the more important resistance training is going to be to help to maintain your muscles and burn up extra calories. Men and women who include weight training to their exercise routines shed around 44% more fat than those who do not. Adding weight training to a regular exercise program will also slow down many of the effects of aging. Hopefully at this point you have realized just how important is to add resistance training to any other kind of exercise routine you have going on right now.

If you are one of the men and women who thought that just mainly because you are getting older you need to put on weight, you need to now understand that exercise can take care of this for you. I also want to mention that just doing resistance training is not enough as adding other sorts of exercises will also help you get a more complete workout for your body. For those of you who adhere to the suggestions that we have previously pointed out, you'll have the ability to stay in shape no matter what your age.

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