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Find Fitness fitness schools in the usa and Canada. In less than a year's time, candidates enrolled in personal fitness trainers schools can earn certification to become an expert personal fitness trainer either for purposes of self improvement, or even to coach others to become better physically equipped for all around health and wellness.

General studies in personal training fitness schools involve education in anatomy, physiology, kinesiology, pathology, and principles of business. On average, hands-on instruction in personal training fitness schools entails healthy dietary instructions, exercise regime design, personal training, metabolic rate and how food fuel is used for energy; supplements, vitamins and minerals; energy balancing, muscle testing and analysis of both upper and lower extremities, and different massage fitness training methods, and others.

While personal training fitness schools vary in course duration, broadly speaking many of these health programs are approximately 250 hours in length, and cover CPR and first aid as a basic part of the education.

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