TENS Unit and Its Use in Pain Relief

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TENS_Unit_and_Its Use_in_Pain_Relief

Since ancient times, electrotherapy has been applied to soothe pain. Within its earliest form, a live electric fish was applied to the affected region to cause numbness. However, once electro-static electricity could be produced with the assistance of frictional machines, the last method was discontinued. Since the discovery of electrotherapy along with its use in pain relief, advanced methods are actually developed, one of these tasks is truly a tens unit What is TENS? Machine

TENS machine or Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulators delivers electric stimuli free a person from pain. Remember this is a portable device and relating to the size of a packet of cigarettes. Users can adjust intensity of stimulation. The regularity of stimulation can also be adjusted. TENS electrodes can be placed in various methods. Users should try placing them on the painful area, surrounding the painful area or over the nerve causing the affected area. When should TENS be accustomed?

IT employed to treat many types of pain. Acute pain (pain after surgery) as well as long-term pain (stemming from arthritis) may well be treated with TENS. Cancer pain can also be reduced by using TENS. A TENS unit can also be used for lower back pain, myofascial pain, bladder incontinence and visceral pain. How can it work?

It sends electric stimuli through electrodes (self-adhesive pads) made available on skin. The signals journey to the nerves right under the skin. A BBC article states that the tens unit is believed to perform in two ways. On higher frequencies, the TENS unit stimulates 'non-pain' nerves to allocate signals into the brain which block pain signals carried to it by other nerves. On lower frequencies, TENS units stimulate production of endorphins which are pain-relieving hormones produced by our body.

The tens device can be utilized during 15-20 minutes several times a day.

High frequency on an TENS unit can be tolerated by patients for up to hours but the pain remedy exists for much very less time. In contrast, low-frequency stimulation might feel uncomfortable and might be tolerated exclusively for 20-30 minutes but the pain alleviation will last longer. TENS units is truly a drug free treatment for pain-relief. It isn't addictive and has few side-effects. Its well suited for all. However, the listed people should not use TENS treatment: • Epileptics

• Those with pacemakers or heart disease

• Those with pain from unknown causes

• Women who are pregnant without treatment being supervised

It is vital that electrodes are placed correctly. If it's placed on wrong location, this pain can get worse. Tend not to place it close to the eyes. The TENS unit must also not be placed on nerves coming from the neck into the throat or brain. Alternative medicines are better then conventional medicines because they do not have any unwanted side effects, rejuvenation therapy and electrotherapy are widely adopted and renowned alternative techniques for pain alleviation. For more information Visit our website TENS Unit Reviews