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If your goal is always to improve your fitness or lose weight nevertheless, you have to do something more exciting than jogging mma mixed martial arts on a treadmill to help keep you motivated, maybe you should think about doing a martial art like boxing, kickboxing, karate, or judo.

In this essay we list the very best 10 reasons to take into account doing a martial art for fitness and weight loss that will help you decide if doing one is right for you.

It's no coincidence that martial arts gyms, personal trainers and producers of exercise videos and DVD's are now heavily incorporating training methods and exercises from the wide variety of martial arts in their work outs.

Boxercise, Tae Bo, Cardio-Kickboxing, Kung Fu Aerobics, and personal trainers using punching bags, focus mitts and kicking pads inside their sessions are just several samples of how martial arts training will be found in cardio work outs for fitness and weight loss.

Because martial art training is typically high intensity mma training gyms and usually lasts for at least one hour in most cases, it burns a maximum number of kilojoules or calories per workout and is therefore perfect for anyone who wants to shed weight and lose it fast.

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