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Here's a way to avoid property loan surprises and nightmares throughout the loan process. Pull your personal credit reports 45 days before applying for a real estate loan. There are certainly a many things which can be misreported on your report that translate to an increased interest rate on your mortgage and perchance a denial of your loan.

Delinquent payments are one of several thing that affect your scores. An inaccurate maximum credit limit versus high credit is an issue I see frequently. If your maximum credit limit of $11, 000 shows on a credit card and your balance $3000 than you still owe less than 50% of the Credit Report imit. Ideally each card needs to have significantly less than 50% owed on each credit line. But when the utmost limit matches the high credit (the highest balance you've ever had on that card at one time) that is not good. It looks like you're maxed from that card.

To increase your score, it would be wise, before obtaining a mortgage, to spread your balances to reflect no card is showing more than 50% of it's available credit limit. Some cards have lower interest rates than others but we are speaking about increasing your over all credit score here maybe not having the lowest credit card rate. Again sometimes creditors are not properly reporting your maximum credit limit which unintentionally can affect your credit score.

By checking your credit reports 45 days before applying for a home loan, you can look into these kind of problems and fix them ahead of the lender pulling their credit report. You are able to avoid surprises and inaccuracies because after the lender pulls their credit report, that's just about it. If there is a credit issue that's fixable and it is something that can raise your score, your lender can do advise you to complete a "rapid rescore" procedure that can possibly raise your Creditonce the credit report issue has been corrected but alongside that comes a cost a huge selection of dollars to remedy the problem.

It's less expensive to pull your personal credit report by way of a company such as for example annual Credit Score once a year, it's free. You won't obtain your scores with the free version, that costs money, but just ensuring sure the information on your report has been correctly reported is important and it'll save headaches, time and money in the form of a lower home loan rate over time.

Kevin Walton has been originating California real estate loans for over 19 years. I specialize in educating my clients to really make the most readily useful real estate loan decision possible.

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