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The Workings And Advantages Of LED Light Bulbs

As the compact florescent light bulb has started to quickly replace the aging incandescent light bulb lately, another sort of bulb is emerging that may replace them both. The light emitting diode (LED) bulb has features that make it a superior technology.

While the incandescent bulb generates light within a vacuum and the compact florescent bulb does so in a tube, the LED is referred to as solid-state lighting. It is solid state because it uses solid matter, a semiconductor, to generate light.

The semiconductor is made with both a positively and negatively charged part. The positive layer has little openings for the free electrons coming from the negative element to cross through. When an electric charge is applied to the semiconductor, a stream of excited electrons moving through the holes emits a light.

The 2 excellent benefits of LED light bulbs are their very long life and energy efficiency. They just utilize about one tenth as much electrical energy as usual bulbs and thus offer enormous savings in energy costs as well as a reduced carbon footprint. This actually makes them both cost effective and environmentally friendly.

Their solid state construction and low heat emissions give them a longer lifespan. LED light bulbs greatly outlast even compact florescent bulbs and may easily last for a decade or longer in regular use. This not only saves on the cost of the bulb, but it also saves time and replacement costs. A lot better suited to survive rough handling and out of doors conditions, a LED light bulb could be relied on to work when needed most.

Since they reach their full brightness almost immediately and are in fact mercury free, LEDs solve a couple of main issues that compact fluorescent bulbs have (mercury content as well as lag time in reaching full brightness).

LED light bulbs are meant to emit a very directional light so the light could be aimed exactly where it is required. Also, their light is nearer to the color of daylight, which research indicate helps people stay alert.

Till recent changes in the technology, the structure of the LED caused much of the light to be trapped inside. This plus the bluish light they typically emitted brought on a dimmer light that made LEDs unattractive for home use.

LEDs are now much brighter though and could emit the same soft, white light regular bulbs do.

One disadvantage with LEDs that has not been solved yet is cost. While their power savings and really long life mean LEDs are cost-effective and save money in the long run, they are very unlikely to achieve mass consumer acceptance until their prices come more consistent with other kinds of bulbs. Though their prices are coming down, LED light bulbs are still relatively expensive.

Once their costs come down more, LEDs are more likely to become the standard and dominate lighting until a better technology appears.

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