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Want to win $50 to ?? LIKE us on FB and RT this! giveaway win fashion save this is the song Slide to the left <(0_0<).. Slide to the right (>0_0)>..Criss-Cross (>0_0<) <(0_0)> ..Cha-cha real smoothhhhh (^-_->) now i cant sleep. Sampai hati anaktirikan kami.. Lupe pesan kat n jugak... então é o que? To me Valentines day is just an ordinary day if you can't show me that you love me the other 364 days out of the year wtf you with me for?? Well golly gee, looks like I JUST missed Joe Jonas. What a shame. notreally screaminggirls

RT ": Awww yeah Kings yeah! KingsAllDay "Cos I liked ur messages 2Day" SO since Justin is 18 now, minors need to hop of unless they want him to go to jail CalumForPresident OrPrimeMinister Canadian I hope your having a Super Tuesday everybody! IReallyShouldHaveRunThisYear

Bruce Lee felt that Wing Chun approachs stifled his potential and conventional martial arts were as well formal plus rigid to street fighting. He developed his own style regarding martial arts and named it Jeet Kune Work. His focus was on "practicality, flexibility, velocity and potency." Find out to teach the "Way about the Intercepting Fist."


The Philosophy

1 Lead your students to success by beginning with load training to build power. Include functioning for endurance also stretching exercises with flexibility.

2 Teach stop-kicks, cease-hits and additional moves in a format of exercises, but unlike other martial arts, here remains no specific way or pattern plus no collection rhythm necessary to perform. Jeet Kune Do favors formlessness hence that it may presume all forms and since Jeet Kune Do has no style, it can fit on for all styles. As a result, Jeet Kune Do utilizes all ways and is bound by way of none and, similarly, make use of any systems or means that is serve its finish.

3 Concentrate your educating on various basic drills. Drills include fake to the fade, reference points, matching and unmatching leads, sensitivity energy, damaged rhythm, pace packs, the six sectors, five-way neuro-muscular response drills, triangular foot work, aggressive sticky hands also others (see Resources).

4 Provide any selection of technical drill options, nonetheless allow the students to be creative by way of the moves when completing the drill. Bruce Lee explains, "Absorb what yous useful, reject what yous worthless and add what is in particular your own."

5 Allow your physical execution of Jeet Kune Make to evolve within a spirituality that is void of conscious, deliberate systematic actions. When you discipline like Bruce Lee remember, "The consciousness about 'self' is the greatest hindrance of the correct execution of all physical action."

6 Instruct students regarding speed. "The success regarding a movements, defensive or offensive rely on whether we accomplish it on the right time or never. We need to shock our competitor and catch the moment about his helplessness," according to Bruce Lee (observe Resources).

Stop-Hit and Counter-Free time

1 Contemplate using any stop-hit in the beginning about an attack with some forward step. "A stop-hit is more commonly handy also lucrative against attacks that start by means of some step forward where the margin of time allowing to success is greater than against assaults not preceded by means of any stage. You can as a result say that usually the end-hit is the stroke chosen to deal with the stepping preparation," said Lee.

2 Arrest the aggression of your opponent along with the stop-hit concept. "It may be direct or indirect. It may be applied as he steps forward with a kick or punch, when he is pre-occupied by way of feinting or between dual moves of a difficult combination," teaches Bruce Lee.

3 Find the velocity of your opponent's reply and his rhythm. Lee explains, "Reverse-time yous the strategy by which an adversary is induced or provoked to attack in tempo, with the subject of circumvent-timing or alternatively getting ownership of the opposing hand or detaching it plus executing some future attack or riposte. It lays not so considerably in drawing the stop-hit as in correctly timing the parry, which deflects it."

4 Give your scholars the opening to learn resist-time via exercise and encounter. Teach about exact timing, accuracy and contact reflexes.

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Unearth fundamental concepts with the Jeet Kune Do Association Get head butting instructions here