Ps so excited to get da train with ya whenevers your train home 12

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Revision as of 11:35, 29 February 2012 by GeraldineHaynes (Talk | contribs)
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TONIGHT!!! All-Star Weekend Hosted by Miami Heats 106 & Parks & at Majestic. Hmu for tables! Nickelodeon says they want 1D to be the next Jonas Brothers? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA no, next joke please. Muahhh;) Awesomeness!! -- I'm cleaning and rocking out to R5 and McFly. Def. makes cleaning easier xD o de laranja e amg em FEIST - 15 Februari 2012 at Fairgrounds (Ex-Bengkel). Promoted by Q jodia paleta mas mala, a mi ta bueno q me pase x estar d gata

deal x x (that's my fingers crossed behind my back mwah ha ha ha) Lame be quiet!!! Two bodies found in parking garage stairwell. iPhone blazes as Oz plane touches down iPhone Fail - S/O to for speaking that real ish.! what happened ah tof! Waar woon jij dan? Groningen is óók leuk :)

I'm told by they find some of your touches all the way down in yeovil? I thought practise made perfect? Exception mdrrrrr . each without drinks. Its very good though. Feliz Navidance! Gracias por siempre haber creido :) Un abrazo : Stuido 51 you soooo thick lol Hola!!! Los extraño mucho!!! no saben las canciones que estoy haciendo!! Uni tomorrow :( OYE TÚ, MANDAME UNA FRASE Y CALIFICO TÚ CUENTA:( 6

Speech balloons are a pleasure way to perk up photographs and to help preserve memories. While scrapbookers can easily add a cartoon speech balloon to their printed page, it's any tiny added challenging to add a speech balloon to some digital photo. Follow these steps and you can add speech balloons to your digital photographs using Adobe Photoshop.

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1 Open Photoshop. Open the photo you strategy to add the speech balloons to. Save this new picture.

2 Create any temporary gray layer around the picture to produce it easier to create the speech bubble. Select "Layer." Subsequently select "New Layer." Right away pick out "Edit." Choose "Fill." Pick "50% gray." Slide the opacity bar to 75 percent.

3 Make the speech balloon. Click on the "Elliptical Marquee" device. Drag the elliptical shape around until you get the dimension you want. Location it wherever you want it to be.

4 Switch to the "Polygonal Lasso" tool to finish the speech balloon. Verify the "Add to Choice" box. Click somewhere inside the elliptical shape, click somewhere near the mind of the individual plus make the third click back inside the elliptical form. The final click must merge the elliptical shape and the pointed shape.

5 Fill the speech balloon with white. Select white on the "Foreground Color" tool. Next pick out the "Paint Bucket" tool. Click inside the balloon. It should fill with white. Press "Ctrl + D" to deselect the balloon.

6 Change off the gray layer that you created when you opened your Photoshop program. Your picture should be apparent again.

7 Write the text for the talk balloon. Choose the Photoshop "Horizontal Text" instrument also kind in your caption. Experiment with fonts to find the one that greatest suits your photo.

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