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Top Fantasy Books - Keen on Fantasy

What are your all time favourite top fantasy books? I bet a lot of you will have thought Lord From the Rings immediately! With the recent success of Bet on Thrones on television and a second series possibly on the way as well as a movie version of The Hobbit coming our way the coming year it's probably fair to express that the fantasy genre is as strong as ever. For anyone who aren't fans of the genre or maybe just passive fans then hopefully we are able to convert you!

The fantasy genre really started way back in Victorian times with authors such as William Morris and George MacDonald. The prosperity of fantasy books today though probably lays at the door of 1 man, J.R.R Tolkien, creator of a few of the top fantasy books such as Lord From the Rings, The Hobbit and The Silmarillion. It was Tolkien who was the first one to really create a whole world to base his books in, his world as numerous know was Middle-Earth.

It has been said that Tolkien created the idea of Middle-Earth when sat in his back garden overlooking the hills and imagining wars between different races happening across them. It had been from this imagination that certain of, if not the best book trilogy's ever are intended.

100 best fantasy books

Simultaneously as Tolkien was creating Middle-Earth a good friend of his, C.S. Lewis, seemed to be creating their own fantasy world known as Narnia, his books also went on to huge success using the Lion, The Witch and also the Wardrobe becoming one of the top fantasy books of all time, not only that, it also includes a few movie variations within the decades after, making the 1950's the true-birth of fantasy.

As we go forward Six decades and walk into any decent book store the fantasy genre is most likely one of the largest sections, much of its success must be pointed towards it's founders but to this day we've classic fantasy books being released all the time. Fans from the television series Bet on Thrones might have since gone out and bought the book, possibly even the titles after within the A Song Of Ice And Fire series, one of the greatest fantasy number of all time. It is because of those current authors such as Martin and Hobb the fantasy genre continues in such strong fashion and it is due to them we will never get bored from the fantasy genre.

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