Gonna play tetris all night long 4

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Difficulty: Moderately Easy

Instructions. angry birds.

Things You'll Want

Vegetable oil

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1 Walk up slowly to the bird in the glue trap. Sudden or quick actions will frighten the bird more other than it yous also might cause it to get further glue on its body.

3 Protect the glued parts about the bird's body with vegetable oil. Carefully rub the oil into the feet also belly or additional areas covered with adhesive. Pour oil on any parts of the glue trap's adhesive that is aren't attached to the bird to try and reduce the bird becoming much more attached.

4 Pull gently at the bird following a few minutes. If the bird is not freeing, wait a little longer. By no means pull the bird off the trap if there remains still robust resistance from the glue.

5 Allow the bird to fly via holding it some brief distance off the ground. Perform not release the bird from some height where the bird will injure itself from plummeting if it is unable to fly.

6 Take on the bird to a wildlife rehabilitator if the bird is having trouble flying -- it may contain glue or oil with hers wings. You may uncover a wildlife rehabilitator or identical organization by means of calling your local animal manage office or your state's Department about Normal Assets.


Cornell University: Beasts Begone! Removing Animals

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