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Buying property is one of the major areas of investment today, with increased and much more people involved in buying in addition to attempting to sell the same. Property investment may be broadly divided into two categories, namely house investment and land investment. Both kinds of investment have similar risks but different advantages and disadvantages. While there is no wrong kind of investment regarding property, it is always advisable to comprehend the pros and cons of the two main categories before actually putting your money in to any of these. najkorzystniejsze lokaty bankowe

They are valid questions. But, they do indicate the sort of traditional, first world approach to investment that is not prepared to engage with Africa's realities and, for that reason defintely won't be in a position to capitalise on the continent's potential for excellent returns.
There are a number of options open for investors choosing this sector, from agricultural investment funds, ETFs, direct investment into agribusiness companies, or trading soft-commodities such as for example wheat. My problem here is based on the fact these investment strategies do not tick our boxes. Funds incur management fees, and over the duration of a mutual fund, investors lose 80% of their gain to management fees, commodities may be volatile for a while, and investing into agribusiness businesses does provide any degree of non-correlation.