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5 Benefits To Feeding Your Dog Premium Dog Food

If you have a dog, healthy dog food is imperative to help keep your dog as healthy as possible. Premium dog food is some of the best you can give your dog to help them maintain a healthy diet and remain energetic. Whether it's dry, canned or frozen, premium quality dog food provides a number of facets that most dog food just can't offer. Here are 5 benefits to using premium dog food over any other kind on the market. With so many different dog food companies vying for your dog food dollar, how do you know which dog food to choose to keep your dog healthy? Do you choose dry, moist, or a combination of both? High protein, low protein, other nutrients, what exactly do you look for?

1. Making your own dog food is a real possibility. Home made dog food recipes abound right now in books and on the internet, but there are some important caveats to remember. Certain foods that humans eat can be harmful to dogs, and can even kill them if enough of the ingredient is eaten. Most of us know that chocolate is toxic to dogs, but did you also know that onions, large amounts of garlic, nutmeg, grapes, xylitol (an artificial sweetener) unripe tomatoes, fruit seeds and pits, and walnuts can all be fatal to dogs? Please research your ingredients and be aware before you begin cooking for your animals. Home made dog food and dog treats can be made nutritiously and safely, and they can avoid some of the lower quality by-products and chemicals that are in many of the mass-produced dog foods. Cooking for your dogs can be a very good thing.

While we expect whole chickens, choice cuts of beef, fresh grains, what we get in the dog food we buy may have been substituted with chicken heads, feet, and intestines. Those choice cuts of beef are really cow brains, tongues, esophagi, fetal tissue dangerously high in hormones, and possibly diseased.

It is clear, both from what we see on the news and from what we are experiencing, that dog food companies do not have both dogs and the owners of dogs' best interests at heart. They are mass-producing junk food for our dogs and expecting us not to take notice. We have to take our own much loved best friend's health into our own hands, and learn the dog food secrets that will ensure our dog will be happy, full of energy, and live for as long as they should without suffering from ailments.

If you are looking for the right food to feed your dog, save the hassle and try Sojos food. Also, you can talk to your veterinarian to learn about your dog's nutrition needs. Solid Gold pet food brand is well known and popular among dog owners.

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