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Loving 's cheeky new social media pic, avec balloon! Im really gonna miss my brother bear while he's at school. now both brother bears are gone :( summer was fun love you bud that'll be you soon enough, joining plenty other friends who treat those rankings like a drug way to make an impact guys TheChangeUp I already love and I've never even been there! Headed to but I don't agree definition is not obvious Entropy was defined 100 years after machines.

Ditto. That means you, Mom. Let that be a lesson to all: I will block anyone who speaks ill of JAWS. Anyone! Good responses to Jane Cassidy's lobby watch on College of Medicine DM fail or you going for obtuse message? Craving samosas and chaat? Combine the two Tandoori Cafe in SJ: My get rich scheme is telling Dad to give me boucous bucks or I'll put "Grab your balls by the tits and get to rockin!" on his tombstone.

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Accreditation increases the credibility of your organization and lets likely students know that they are getting their CEU credits to fulfill their massage therapy state licensing requirements out of one organization that has survived the rigors of professional review. An organization that has received accreditation out of The Accrediting Council with Continuing Education & Training (ACCET) is suitable to employ with a dot edu website at Educause. Having some dot edu website likewise increases your organizations credibility since only educational institutions with recognized accreditation qualify for some dot edu website.

Difficulty: Reasonable


1 Go to the ACCET website and click the "Accreditation" button, after that the "Accreditation Method" link from the top menu to go to the "Accreditation Method" page.

2 Click the "Document 1 -- The Accreditation Plan: Policies and Process" link to open the PDF document. Review the accreditation requirements carefully to be sure your organization qualifies with accreditation.

3 Click the "create one account" link plus complete all five sections regarding the "Initial Inquiry" application. The five areas are general info, questionnaire, campuses, systems also review.

4 Pay a $1 website web site nonrefundable processing charge (since of 2 website11) by way of online check or major credit card inside the "Review" area regarding the "Initial Inquiry" application. This application will help the ACCET decide if your school qualifies to apply with accreditation to distribute CEU credits for massage. If your college does qualify to utilize for accreditation, the subsequent stage remains to attend the workshop.

5 Click "Events," then "Workshops" on the top menu to go to the "Workshops" page. Scroll lower and review the "Accreditation Workshop Schedule" to pick a workshop date and location. Seeing that of 2 website11, the workshops cost $45 website to the initial participant and $35 web site for the second participant. ACCET prefers that you execute not send more than two participants.

7 Evaluate your college with the ASER and mail it within to ACCET. Once you have successfully completed this step, the next step is to prepare with and schedule the ACCET examination group's on-site inspection.

8 Go to the ACCET internet site and click "Accreditation," later "Accreditation Process" to go to the Accreditation process page. Scroll lower to the "On-Website Examination" section plus click the "ACCET File 2 -- Standards for Accreditation" to read the PDF document in preparation for an on-site inspection of your school via an ACCET examination squad.

9 Scroll down further on the "Accreditation Method" page about the ACCET website to the "Scheduling" section in the bottom of the page and click the "Accreditation Review Schedule" link. Assessment the "Accreditation Evaluate Schedule" to find the approximate date for your on-site evaluation. Schedule your exam following directions in the ACCET conversation subsequent completion of the ASER.

Receive the examination party in your location and follow their instructions. They will prepare a "Group Report" on their visit to your organization. Once this is completed, they will contact you approving or rejecting your accreditation to distribute CEU credits for massage. It can take up to 12 months for ACCET to approve accreditation to your school.


ACCET: Accreditation Method ACCET: Workshops ACCET: Schedule of Review


Thai massage shoulder stand seeing that part of some full Thai body massage. image by Deborah Benbrook from

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