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The Stats To Help You Win The Lottery

Almost everyone loves to hear interesting material and statistics, however, most of the time they are totally senseless in real life. A wonderful example of this would be the fact that 85% of people live north of the Equator. Another instance is that only 12% of people who set New Year’s resolutions will adhere to them.

So imagine how astonishing it was to everyone (and how amazing it still is) when a guy used his $1000 lottery winnings to get a ticket that won him $1 million! The probabilities of this occurring are astronomical. That’s very fortunate indeed.

The New York Times told of a guy in New York City, who was earning a normal pay as a superintendent, poured most of his funds into the lottery. In the hope, and false impression, that he could win a big prize easily by buying extra random tickets Mr. Otero spent a whopping $30,000 a year on lottery tickets!

Of course what Mr. Otero doesn't understand is that statistically you have no better chance of winning the jackpot with five hundred tickets than you do with 1 when the numbers on the tickets are picked randomly!

Statistics can tell us some heartbreaking things. For example, if anyone buys a UK lottery ticket on a Monday, for a weekend draw, they are more probable to be deceased when the draw takes place than they are of winning the jackpot prize!

You see, sadly the chances of winning the jackpot ion such a draw are fourteen million to one while the odds of being deceased are much lower. In fact you even have a better chance of becoming a saint! It won't matter how many tickets you buy, each one will have indentical low probability. Buying more tickets does not\doesn't give you a better chance of winning.

However, it is possible to increase your chances of winning the lottery when you use the mathematical statistics to your benefit. Let's take a wheeling system for instance. Are you weary of looking for a Lottery System certain to give you that jackpot win? Would you like immediate access to an impressive lottery system that is certain to give you at least one huge win? Then check out the lotto system that teaches you how to win the lottery which was developed by a Math Professor who won the lottery 3 times in a row and 5 times in all. When you choose an extra number, so that you pick 7 numbers instead of 6, and then "wheel" so that all numbers end up on a ticket together, 2 things occur. Wheeling systems ask you to place more money in the lottery, because you must obtain more tickets, but by doing so, and by doing it in a mathematically precise technique; you increase your chances of winning the lottery jackpot.

When you use wheeling in a 6 from 49 draw, like the UK lottery, and use 7 numbers rather than 6 the odds of winning are slashed from 14 million to 1 down to half a million to 1 - with merely 1 extra number and a £28 stake!!

Although wheeling is not the most successful of lottery systems (there are much more accurate ones that ensure a win) if Mr. Otero had utilized such a system (and his $30,000 a year lottery stake money) and played it with a 6 from 49 draw he might have been celebrating a lottery win a long time ago!