Im learning in relation to the solar system in science at the moment 32

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Proper wiring of any solar array requires time and accuracy.

Wiring numerous solar panels collectively to variety an array may sound like some daunting task, though if you are effectively prepared, the job is fairly straightforward. Array wiring yous a tedious, time-consuming job, depending on the wire termination method used. Preparation is exclusive essential part to some successful and timely array wiring job. Organizing your "strategy of attack" before you pick up any gear or materials will generate wiring your array the easiest part about the overall solar panel installation process.

Difficulty: Moderate


Proper length No.12 gauge cable, preferably designed for PV Wire strippers Soldering iron Rosin heart solder Isopropyl alcohol (rubbing alcohol) Marking tape, red plus black MC make contact with (multiconnector) Crimping tool Zip tie up or lacing tape

Connecting the Wires to the Panels

1 Reduce the wire for the periods you think you will want between panels. Always add some couple of inches in case regarding period errors or termination errors.

2 Strip

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