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Soul Purpose

To learn the purpose of one's life the first thing is to consult a Chinese or Western astrologer, to know the purpose of one's soul, one must live it. There clearly was no accident that you were born in such and such date, such and such time and such and such parents or country. We choose our parents and what we must do in each life predicated on our karmic relationships with those we decide to get affiliated with. The Chinese probably observed and recorded with many trials and errors inside their pre-horoscope days to understand about one's life in respected to the movements of the moon, the sun's rays, and the planets. The westerners are of the same although there are slightly differences in the interpretation for every single house. Our life is definitely governed by them. Before you raise any objections, please permit me to explain. The universe generally seems to govern our lives by the movement of the planets. In the event that you pay attention and present it smallest advantage of the doubt, you'll readily observe that things do go hay wire when mercury goes into retrograde, or what helped Barrack Obama win the presidency this time around or what compelled him to make decisions the way that he did or why you feel amorous when Venus passed through Mars etc. Even though you enjoy life in oblivion to any of these planetary movements, underneath each life is significantly behaved in parallel with the planet's movements and it's really purpose as dictated. You might appear to fall in love or get divorced and/or died on those awful eclipses. However the question here is.. if our life is run by a so-called "destiny" can we change it out? Yes and no. Here's why. If the karmic debt is huge plus it must certanly be settled in this life, very little you certainly can do to change it, but even then, the last choice is still rest within you. This ability to choose is named "free will". Without consult with your astrologer I will tell you with absolute certainty that you will be here to master to exercise free will also to figure out how to choose with highest definition of who you are during your final decision. The greatest choice is obviously about love and selflessness. Therefore it is not just mandatory for the soul's progress in the event that you learn how to change your destiny but also to your own highest degree of contentment when you are here on this journey aswell. To illustrate my point further, let us make an assumption that i am right and that the characters, your personalities come in accordance to your sun sign, moon sign and other planetary influences, along with your behaviors are notably predictable in the sense that if you can find aspects of stubbornness in your chart, you will are generally stubborn, if you can find aspects in your chart saying that you're romantic or painful and sensitive you will are generally one as well. However if for a single moment that you experienced that you come to a decision to go against everything you "think" you are, whatever which may be, you have taken a primary step to change your destiny and you have given your soul to be able to find out what and who it can become. If you're shy, be bold. If you're bold, play the role of soft and gentle. And for almost any other events in your life however big or small, learn how to make decision about them with love and selflessness. When you are against your basic natures (aka influenced by the planets), you're in a sense broaden your personalities to incorporate the what if's facets. It will not be easy as the planets will conspire against you and if you should be weak and/or oblivious with their games, you'll tend to succumb for their influences. So go right ahead and consult an astrologer to find out why is you tick and go against it. With each action you decide to do differently, put a love stamp to them. Strive to be a non-identifiable birth sign whether it's Chinese signs or Western signs. Whilst the personality has many purposes and lessons, the soul has only 1: it's to love unconditionally.

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