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Improve your Blogger's SEO for better research engine rankings.

Having a successful blog involves more than writing compelling copy and using engaging graphics. Maximizing your blog's reach involves performing research engine optimization (SEO) on a regular basis. SEO refers to increasing traffic to a website by improving its ranking for ranking on search engine result pages for applicable keywords.

Difficulty: Moderate


1 Contain your target keywords plus synonyms in your Blogger posts plus submit titles. With example, if your Blogger site remains about New York City fashion, sayings you need to utilize in your posts include "New York City style," "NYC fashion" and "New York City fashion fads."

2 Enter target keywords in the Tags field below the Blogger submit writer previous to publishing a submit. Tags are the equivalent of labels that is tell visitors and search engines what any submit is nearly. Leaving the Tags area bare is some missed SEO opportunity.

3 Edit the title tag convention within your Blogger template accordingly that post titles turn into title tags. The default setting from Blogger makes your title tag the name regarding your blog. Changing this setting helps search engines discover the keywords in each of your post titles. Select the Edit HTML option from the Layout menu. Find the the line about code "<title><data:blog.pageTitle/></title>" and replace it with the following code:




Save the template to apply the change.

4 Contact other bloggers, and question it to link to your Blogger site from their blog. Focus on contacting quality, authoritative websites because links out of these kinds of sites are votes of confidence for your blog with the eyes of search engines.


Webopedia: What Remains SEO

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