Anyone in the valley have solar panels on their house 50

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Learn how to mount solar panels effectively.

Mounting solar panels can be a complex job depending on how much "Do It Yourself" knowledge you boast. There will be any few costs initially, but you will conserve plenty of money inside the lengthy-term with solar panels. Acquire some systematic steps to support the panels on your roof. Once this is complete, you may possibly require any electrician to link the panels to your circuit breaker and grid inverter.

Difficulty: Moderate


1 Locate the rafters with your stud finder plus place some chalk mark in every spot as you go.

2 Align the solar panels alongside each of the rafters. Align your flush mounts using a degree.

3 Drill the entry holes using some pilot tad to produce sure your rafters do not split.

4 Utilize lag bolts to anchor your flush mounts to the rafters.

5 Place a metal flashing over each mount plus attach the metal rails to the mounts with the 3/8-inch immaculate steel bolts.

6 Check your manufacturer's info to determine if your supports snap or slide into the housing architecture. A continental or glide the solar panels onto the rails.


Ameco: Solar Panel Installation Techniques. SolarPanelsSolarPanelInstallation.

Photo Credit Solar panels on roof image by kuhar from internet site ;

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