In todays guardian selling car pupils teachers aggression

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Nothing better then watching the harborfest fireworks from the back of ole blue haha, did I read this right???? surelynot laughing out loud. Thanks for the great messages. Boumnh Diiaa Amour <33' kkkkkkkk só pros V.I.P yeh if & whn I kno they r interested we cn exchange emails. U cn't put the cart b4 the horse FRI will be sick! Back home in Toronto for a couple days before Vegas for my show w/my buddies a mi tmb, mucha posta Just ordered my first job in over a year. Enjoying getting back into it :) Ate quando vc vai parar de me ignorar e me mandar um Oi ?12 R.I.P Luke Walton gone and forever forgotten.. Hey can I have a sip? "Sure" *GLUG GLUG GLUG* "Dude... WTF." drew my avatar! "Hunger knows no friend but its feeder." -Aristophanes Globetrotting for chocoholics travel chocolate ttot "I'm all for integration! It's the new frontier! " Foi conhecidencia demais, isso sim kkk Work to become, not to acquire

WOOHOOO TextsThatGetNoReply can I hold $20 ??? [!!] Instead of trending Ukisseop tonight, we'll be trending HappyBirthdayKiseop . Hope we can make it to the TTWW list. Hehe makasih Siplah Minjem nbnya ya? Hey ;)RT follow back jona sis? I'm at Richi Top House (Santiago Admins, this is /eunhaecouple. due to April Fool, i acted as Kyu. but now someone used our uname. im so sorry Llegamos a los 400 seguidores!!! I don't understand a word and I could cry at this commentary.. holy .. Amazing. yes but its not as extreme Sayaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaang.. Kangen. :'( Austin, Alexis and Ryry só no cutuque ;x Dave from North Wales has made us chuckle. What a caller! Safe trip!": besokk tehbotolll" awwww fanxxxxxx hol xxxxzxx I selling car don't need a bunch of fake friends in my life. It's much better to have 4 quarters than a 100 pennies... NoMasGuerra "Me opongo a la violencia, porque cuando parece causar el bien éste sólo es temporal, el mal que causa es permanente." Gandhi

Lmfaooo started the 7 days slim down w/ Bf. 100 calories burned tonight. Im back to 115 lbs. <3 need to BURN more! Lol I was ranked as 22nd in our class and there are 56 niqqas in that class hawhaw I feel smart Photo: i-make-doodles-lol: Eu adoro a Thalia é cafona? Just cooked for these Prox.sabado scrimage jambori: 1er cuarto vs Caballeros 2do cuarto vs Jaguares Time to start getting ready! I'm so drunkky I just woke up dead on a naked dead babys with salamander sauce in a hospitace Acompañame al silencio de charlar sin las palabras, acompañame a quererte sin decirlo ARJONA

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