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Boosting Vertical Leap - How Diversity Can Help With Training

If you play basketball, and you want to jump higher than ever, you could increase your vertical leaping starting today. The people that are better at this sport are almost always high performers because they put the work in - it didn't just magically happen! As long as you stay positive and committed, you will reach your "high leaping" goal. You have to stop letting negative thoughts in your mind, or letting doubts set in.

To help you with your training, we're about to show you three powerful workouts that can help. Now let's take a look at the workouts and see how they can help you reach your goals.

If you want to start leaping higher than ever, it is important that you build your leg muscles, especially your calves. When you are about to leap, your calf muscles give you that extra boost off the ground. It is possible to build your calf muscles stronger than ever using certain exercises. Even though exercising can help, there are other things that need to be done to build them up. Doing calf raises is something that you can accomplish very easily. They will build your calves up very quickly. As long as you are using a full range emotion, engaging your muscles at all times, your calves will build very nicely. Poor athletic performance, and injuries, are usually directly related to tightness in your body. It is important that you stretch your tendons and ligaments, especially in your legs, when you work out your muscles. If you want to jump, or improve upon this ability, certain muscle groups must be stretched before exercising. Stretching out your quadriceps, hamstrings, Achilles tendons, and, of course, your calves, is absolutely essential. It is also important to stretch your knees. You do this by initiating slow circular motions to get them limbered up. When you stretch your tendons and ligaments, you will see a dramatic improvement to your jumping every time you exercise.

To incorporate as much variety as you can with your exercise routine you will increase your ability to gain higher vertical leaps. It is best to avoid performing only one or two exercises because that causes your muscles and other parts to get into a rut. Since there are so many different types of moves that can be made in this sport, you have to have variety to compensate for them. So whenever you work out, each schedule should be slightly different to develop your jumps. Obviously, by playing the game, you can also develop your legs and jumping abilities. But put some variety into your training because that will also help prevent getting stale and bored. Your goal is to dramatically boost your vertical leap but rarely is it just about how high you can jump. If you really want to jump higher, the vertical component needs to be coordinated using the energy you normally use jumping and running. It really comes down to having the ability to coordinate your mind and body into one explosive jump - that is what a vertical leap is all about.

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