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Zero-Budget Solutions to Building Links

Assuming that you're going the route of organic SEO to build your page's rank, getting links to your website will be a top priority. Unfortunately, building link tends to be time-consuming, not only in obtaining the links, but in seeing the links actually influence your page's rank. On the bright side, there are plenty of strategies you can employ to get people linking to your page, and they won't cost you a dime.

Now this particular approach to link building generally involves bookmarking each important web content that you come up with which are usually articles or blog posts. Avoid bookmarking pages that don't really offer any value to your online readers. Such pages would include your "privacy policy" and "about us" page. Ensure that you are only bookmarking web content that offers interesting and useful information to the online community.

Popular search engines like Google rank web pages based on complicated algorithms which are meant to identify which sites are most related for a specific search terms. Thus, taking the time and effort to enhance your site for related search terms may end up in you being benefited with high rankings for these terms. This is significant because majority of web users depend solely on these positions. It is usual for users to just scan the first few sites in the results page list for a specific word or phrase. If your site ranks high enough to be placed on the top spot, you will most likely enjoy good website traffic. But, if your page is not seen on the first few pages, it is impossible that you will get a high site traffic from viewers who use search engines.

You can point your articles back to your website. You might go off to an article directory, and one of the best ones is You publish your article and the resource box you link back to your website. You would make sure you have your keyword in the resource box and link it through and also you might have the url. It varies depending on the site. Some sites will let you have more links in there, and other sites will let you have fewer links there.

Now there are a lot of social bookmarking websites which you can utilize in your SEO efforts and in order to make the best out of this link building process, you'll have to submit your content to as many of these websites as you possibly can. As an added convenience, you can make use of social bookmark submission tools which can completely automate this task for you although you need to be careful about using such tools. Several SEO blogs warns that the improper use of these tools can often catch a lot website owners and internet marketers off guard as it creates hundreds of bookmarks in one sitting.

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